Administrators - Reports
- How can I restrict a custom report to one user?
- How can I view an audit trail of user changes to system entries?
- How do I configure custom sql filters in reports?
- How do I create a custom employee details report?
- How do I display an employee policy name in reports?
- How do I display approver names in reports?
Administrators - Construction and Crews
- How do I enable the crew timesheet employee sort feature?
- How do I add timesheet numbers to crew timesheets?
- How do overtime rules work for crew timesheets?
- How can I limit users' access to crews and crew timesheets?
- How can I setup receipt image and document attachment features?
- How do I setup and name crews?
Tech Notes
- How do I run a timesheet export?
- How can I troubleshoot time clock connectivity issues?
- How to convert Actatek exported employee time entries to Pacific Timesheet timesheets.csv import format
- How do I setup and manage an Android tablet in Pacific Timesheet Codereadr Kiosk mode?
- What are payroll best practices for processing batches?
- How do I add a line number to an export?
Administrators - General Topics
- How do I track Actual Start Times and Actual Finish Times?
- How can I use the Employee Type field to segregate different types of employees?
- How do I lockdown exported timesheet data from editing?
- How do I clone an existing policy to create a new policy?
- What settings prevent employees from viewing their leave balances or pay codes?
- How do I support standard authentication users with Single Sign On enabled?
Employee Users
- Pacific Time - Tutorial
- Review Timesheet Tutorial
- Pacific Time - Percent Allocation Timesheet Tutorial
- How do I connect my Pacific Time App as a free trial user?
- How do I access time & expense on my mobile device using a browser?
- My timesheet
Project Managers
Crew Timesheet Users
- Pacific Crew Video Walkthrough
- What are approver best practices to correct crew timesheets?
- How does Crew Dashboard work?
- How can I print timesheets or use timesheet reports to provide invoice documentation?
- How do I use client signoffs on crew timesheets?
- When using Pacific Timesheet on Safari for iPad, how do I Request Mobile Website?
- How do I publish reports to users?
- How do I report on timesheet details like time entry notes?
- How do I filter reports by employee or date range and set report formats?
- Why can't I export my report into a .csv file?
- Why can't users see any data in his reports?
- How do I report on late timesheet submissions and approvals?