How do I use client sign-offs on crew timesheets?
Client Signoff Overview
Obtaining formal client signoffs is critical to recording the customer's acceptance of completed hours or work to support later billing. For paper crew timesheets, a client signs off by putting their physical signature on crew timesheet documents. A copy is provided to the client representative by photocopying the original document. If photocopying is not available on site, the client could receive a carbon copy, take a photo of the document, or receive a photo of the document from the foreman or superintendent by text or email. The documents might then be scanned, faxed or Fedexed to the home office for record keeping and attachment to client invoices.
Pacific Timesheet's client signoff feature allows you to completely automate the client signoff process using mobile or tablet devices.
Client Signoff in the Field:
After submitting and finalizing crew timesheet approvals, you simply enable the crew timesheet for Client Signoff mode and hand the device to the client for their signature. The client reviews the crew timesheet, and then taps "Click to Sign." On the digital signature page, they sign a signature pad, their full name and email address. Pacific Timesheet automatically emails the client a PDF version of the signed document.
Client Signoff in the Office:
Clients in the office can log into Pacific Timesheet's Crew Approval Kiosk application directly. After enabling Client Signoff mode, the client can review crew timesheets they have permission to sign off, and then tap "Click to Sign." On the digital signature page, they sign a signature pad, their full name and email address. Pacific Timesheet automatically emails the client a PDF version of the signed document. The client can also print copies of the crew timesheet with the client signoff.
Using the Crew Approval Kiosk for Client Signoffs
- Using a browser on a PC or tablet, login as a foreman, superintendent, administrator or as a user with a permission to submit or approve crew timesheets.
- Navigate to the Crew Timesheet tab.
- Enter and submit your crew timesheet data.
- Make sure you finalize required approvals needed for client signoff.
- Then, hit the Tools button and then Crew Approval Kiosk.
- The Crew Approval Kiosk will open on a new tab.
- Client signoff feature is for a single day crew timesheet.
- Hit the More button, then Enable Client Signoff Mode.
- Now, at the bottom of the Crew Approval Kiosk a "Click To Sign" link will display
- Have the client review the crew timesheet.
- When they are ready to signoff, have them scroll to the bottom of the crew timesheet and hit Click To Sign.
- A signoff signature pad will display.
- The client signs their signature in the box that says "Please sign your name in the box below."
- Then the client enters their email address if they want to receive a PDF of the crew timesheet with their signoff.
- The Clear button allows them to clear their signature and other information.
- When done, the client hits the OK button.
- Now their signature will display at the bottom of the crew timesheet with their name and a time/date stamp of the signoff.
- After the client signoff, any user with access that crew timesheet can navigate to the Crew Approval Kiosk and download a PDF of the signed crew timesheet. Be sure that the Approval Kiosk is not in Client Signoff Mode or Download PDF and all print options will not be available.
- By hitting the Print link you can print the crew timesheet.
- By hitting the Print Crew link you can print crew timesheets in batches of up to 25.
Using the Pacific Crew app for Client Signoffs
Once you submit a crew timesheet, Client Signoff is automatically enabled in the Pacific Crew app.
- First, navigate to your Crew.
- Enter your data and submit your crew timesheet.
- Tap on the upper left hamburger menu.
- Then tap on Client Signoff.
- The app will display a condensed view of the crew timesheet that displays all time, asset and log data on one page.
- Have the client review the crew timesheet.
- When they are ready to signoff, have them scroll to the bottom of the crew timesheet and hit Click To Sign.
- A client signoff digital signature pad will display.
- The client signs their signature in the box that says "Please sign your name in the box below."
- Then the client enters their email address if they want to receive a PDF of the crew timesheet with their signature.
- The Clear button allows them to clear their signature and other information.
- When done, the client hits the OK button.
- Now their signature will display at the bottom of the crew timesheet with their name and a time/date stamp of the signoff.
- After the client signoff, any user with access to the Crew Approval Kiosk can go to the More menu and hit Download as PDF.
Client Signoff works the same in the Mobile and Tablet versions of the Pacific Crew app.
How can I print timesheets or use timesheet reports to provide invoice documentation?
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