How do I enable/edit absence points?
Absence points rules will automatically compute demerit points based on employee tardiness and absence. You can tailor the rules so that different points can be added based on coming in late, leaving early, or for different types of absences.
This article will cover these topics:
- Enabling/ Editing
- Adding Rules to Your Timesheet
- Adjusting Points
Enabling/ Editing
- Navigate to the System tab and click on Policies.
- Select the policy you would have enabled and click Edit.
- Click on Absence Points Rules.
- Check Active to enable the Absence Points Rules.
- Check Active to enable the Absence Points Rules.
- Check which rules you want to enable. When checked the Rule Options will pop-up for points editing. The absence points rules available are:
- Absence Rule
- Points will be added for each of the following absence reasons:
- Excused
- Unexcused
- Did not call in 24 hours in advance
- Did not call 1 hour in advance
- Points will be added for each of the following absence reasons:
- In-Late Rule
- Points will be added depending upon how many minutes late the employee came in.
- Points will be added depending upon how many minutes late the employee came in.
- Out-Early Rule
- Points will be added depending upon how many minutes early the employee left.
- Points will be added depending upon how many minutes early the employee left.
- Too-Few-Hours Rule
- Points will be added depending upon how many minutes less than their scheduled hours the employee worked.
- You also have the option to use percent of scheduled hours instead of minutes early.
- Too-Long-Meal-Break Rule
- Points will be added depending upon how many minutes more than the specified meal break the employee took.
- Enter the meal break time minutes allowed.
- Absence Rule
- Enter in the numeric point values you would like to attribute for each reason.
- The Default Reporting Period is the Last 365 Days, but this can be changed to different time frames.
- Minimum and Maximum total points allowed in period can be set. Employees with points beyond the Warning Threshold will be flagged for review.
Adding Rules to Your Timesheet
If you want a manager to be able to review and edit the points while reviewing and approving timesheets you will want to add these Absence Points Rules fields to the appropriate timesheet templates. Theses fields can be added by:
- Navigating to >> System >> Templates >> Timesheet Template
- Click Edit to add these fields to your Timesheet Fields.
- If these fields have not already been made you can create these fields by selecting the blue drop down arrow in Templates and clicking Manage Custom Fields.
- If these fields have not already been made you can create these fields by selecting the blue drop down arrow in Templates and clicking Manage Custom Fields.
- When adding these fields to a timesheet template you need to specify the following Field Options for each of the above fields (by clicking the [...] button next to the field name):
[ ] Required
[ ] Work only
[x] Manager Only
- This will ensure the fields appear for both work and leave time entries, and that only managers (or administrators) can modify the values - the employee will not be able to change them.
Adjusting Points
Managers and administrators can view and adjust absence points for individual employees. This is done by viewing the Absence Points Dashboard on the employee's profile page (note that the Absence Points dashboard only appears for employees that have the Absence Points Rules enabled on their employee policy). By clicking the Add Adjustment button you can enter positive or negative absence points for specific dates. Adjustments can be deleted by clicking the delete [-] button on each adjustment row on the dashboard.
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