Setting up general settings
Let’s step through setting up the following system areas (the handheld razor). Here is a description of each area and how it functions.
General settings are listed below in bold with example setting values to the right:
Default Week Start: e.g. Monday
Set the Default Week Start value (i.e. any day of the week) and it will flow through to a built-in Weekly Time Period. In this case, you will create a Weekly Time Period starting on Monday.
Default Hours Per Day: e.g. 8.00
The setting "Default Hours Per Day" controls the default number of scheduled work hours per day for a full time equivalent (FTE) employee. By extension, as employee leave is scheduled time away from work, this setting also controls the default number of leave hours per day. This default value can be overridden by setting the Scheduled Hours Per Day property in an employee's profile.
Default Locale: English (United States)
Locale settings control the formats of time, dates, number and language of the days of the week on timesheets. Locale settings are also used to control the user's system language preference, such as English, Spanish, French or Chinese. The "Default Locale" will automatically be assigned when you create employees in the system and can be overridden by setting the Locale property in an employee's profile.
Default Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Time zone settings control all time/date stamp data for employee data entry. For time and attendance tracking, although they clock in at the same moment, Employee A's time/date value will be 9:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time and Employee B's time/date value will be 8:00 AM Central Daylight Time. The Default Time Zone setting will automatically be assigned when you create employees in the system and can be overridden by setting a different Time Zone in the Employee profile.
Base Currency: U.S. Dollar ($)
The Base Currency setting controls a Default Base Currency that will be stored for all amounts recorded or calculated in the system. For Expense Sheets, while an employee might record an Expense Entry in GBP, the system will simultaneously store the expense amount in GBP, in the Base Currency of USD, and will ultimately calculate and store a Reimbursement Amount that will roll up into the employee's expense reimbursement check in the employee's reimbursement currency of CAD.
Outgoing Email (SMTP) Server: smtp.
For cloud services, Outgoing Email (SMTP) Server values are set and controlled by Pacific Timesheet. For self-hosted software, as the system will be using your own mail server, these are set and controlled by your mail server and system administrator.
Audit Level: DCAA High
Audit Trail settings are controlled by the Audit Level setting which can be Standard or DCAA High. DCAA is the U.S. Defense Communications Audit Agency audit standard. All Pacific Timesheet cloud systems are set to DCAA High. The Audit Trail audits and records all timesheet and expense sheet edits, non-daily timesheet entries, edits to timesheets and expense sheets by others, and changes to the system setup by system administrators.
Audit Days: 180 days
Audit Days is the rolling number of days that the system will store audit trail data.
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