Pacific Crew App Tutorial
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How to use Pacific Crew
Pacific Crew is an IOS and Android mobile App for managing crews and recording information about crew activities.
Key features
- Crew time tracking for job and leave time.
- Attendance tracking.
- Job and attendance time matching.
- Asset and log entries by Job, Phase, Cost Code or other variables.
- Per diem tracking.
- Equipment tracking by operator or crew.
- Materials tracking by employee and/or crew.
- Production tracking.
- Safety Checks.
- Incident logs by incident types.
- Foreman logs.
- Crew timesheet submissions
- Crew timesheet approvals and rejections.
Pacific Crew Video Help
If you prefer video help, go to Pacific Crew Video Help where we have a quick demo, a Pacific Crew Video Tutorial, and a Single Sign-On Help Video.
Logging In
To Get Started, first, make sure you have a working Pacific Timesheet User Account.
If you’re already a Pacific Timesheet user, just go to the App Store or Google Play by tapping the buttons above, then download and install your app on your IOS or Android mobile device or tablet.
Download and install Pacific Time from the AppStore for IOS devices, or from Google Play for Android devices.
Download & install Pacific Crew apps
When you’re ready, open the app and you’ll be taken to the login page.
Tap on Server. Enter your company server name and tap GO.
What's My Server Name?
The Server name is in your company’s Pacific Timesheet system URL, which looks something like:
In this case, your server name would be mycompany.
Instructions fro Free Trial Evaluation Users
On the other hand, if you’re company is evaluating Pacific Timesheet, you want to make sure your have an active free trial. You can start free trial by clicking the button below:
After submitting your request, you’ll receive an email with your free trial system access information.
Your trial system URL should look like: (not a real link)
In this case, your server name is: EVAL405
Back to Logging In
After entering the Server name, you will be taken to the login page. Enter your login name and password, and you're in.
If you have a single sign-on, you’ll need to take a couple of steps as a first-time user. To review these steps now go to Single Sign-On Users Login Instructions at the end of this tutorial.
Logging In
When you log into Pacific Crew you are gaining access your company’s crew timesheet system. If you do not have access information, contact your supervisor or system administrator.
- Enter the server name for your system
- Enter your login name
- Enter you password
- Tap "Login" to log into the system
- Tap "Forgot Password" to have the system email a new starting password.
Hamburger Menu
After logging in, note the "Hamburger Menu" in the upper left. It contains a few key controls for your App.
Note that when you logged, the App updated your system resources by running "Download Lists." You need a data signal in order to log in. Once you are logged in, the App will keep you logged in even when you are offline. The App will automatically take you offline when it detects there is no signal. And it will take you back online when there is.
Day fields
Note that the App has certain "Day Fields" at the top of the screen. Day field values apply to all the information on the crew timesheet. Day fields are the Date, Crew Name and can be the Job or other fields. You can collapse or expand Day Fields by tapping on the arrow. Once displayed, you can tap on day fields to change them. For example, you might want to change crews or the date.
Crew Timesheet Layout
Note that after logging in you default to the Time tab. The time tab is where you enter hours for employees. This can include Add Work to add regular time or overtime hours. Or you can Add Leave by tapping on the three dots menu on the lower right.
Recording Time Entries
Adding Individual Employee Time Entries
To record an individual employee time entry, tap on an employee row and drill into a time entry screen. Then enter regular time, select a cost code and tap save.
Editing Time Entries
You can tap on the employee row again and edit the entry any time you need. Note that when the App returns you to the main crew timesheet page, the employee row is checked. This allows you to tap Add Work to create an additional entry for this employee.
When you have two or more entries for an employee, tap the employee row and the App displays the entry rows. You can always tap on any entry to make edits on the entry page and save.
Using Select All Employees to Add Work
Select All Employees and Add Work allow you to record a single time entry and apply it for all crew employees.
- Tap on the three dots menu on the bottom right
- There, tap Select All Employees to enable checks on each employee row.
- Select all employees works for 5 or 100 employees on your crew.
- Next, tap Add Work and the App will take you to a time entry screen.
- Complete the time entry by entering regular time and/or overtime hours, cost code, etc. and tap Save.
- Note that all employees will now have this time entry.
Using Select All Employees and Set In/Out Times
If all crew employees work the same schedule, you can set the same in/out and meal times for all crew employees with one action.
- Tap on the three dots menu on the bottom right
- There, tap Select All to enable checks on each employee row.
- Next, tap Set In/Out Times and the App will take you to an attendance clock.
- Tap and drag the hours and minutes hands to the correct In Time.
- Tap and drag the hours and minutes hands to the correct Out Time.
- Then tap on the Meal duration pick list and tap the length of the meal break, e.g. 30 minutes.
- Tap Save.
- Note that all employees will now have the same in time, out time and meal duration.
Using Select All Employees to Add Leave
If employees scheduled leave is not automatically entered on the crew timesheet, you can enter it using Select All Employees and Add Leave.
- Tap on the three dots menu on the bottom right
- There, tap Select All Employees to enable checks on each employee row.
- Next, tap Add Leave and the App will take you to a leave time entry screen.
- Complete the time entry by selecting the leave time and leave entering hours and tap Save.
- Note that all employees will now have this leave time entry.
You can edit employee in/out and meal times using the same steps as above
- Tap on the three dots menu on the bottom right
- There, tap Select All to enable checks on each employee row.
- Go through the same steps to set in, out and meal times and tap Save.
You can edit one or a sub-set of crew employees' in/out and meal times.
- Tap and set a check for the employee rows you want to modify.
- Next, tap Set In/Out Times and repeat to same steps to set in, out and meal times.
- Tap Save.
How to Add Asset and Log Entries
There are various asset and log types that you can track:
- Equipment
- Materials
- Production
- Safety Checks
- Work Plans
- Incident logs
- Foreman log
An asset or log entry can have a variety fields. You can add asset and log entries as follows:
- Tap on the Asset or Log tab
- Tap Add Entry to create a new asset or log entry.
- The field choices will be listed on the Add Entry screen.
- Next, tap each field and complete the field entry.
- Fields can include text, text areas, pick lists, file attachments, image attachments and more.
- Complete the entry and tap Save.
- You will be returned to the main Asset/Log entry screen where you can create another entry.
How to Submit Crew Timesheets
To submit crew timesheets:
- Tap the SUBMIT button on the bottom of the crew timesheet screen.
- You can choose to Upload the crew sheet but not "lock" it from further editing.
- You should do this to post your crew sheet data to the cloud server for others to view.
- You can also "Lock Sheet" because the crew timesheet is complete.
- SUBMIT with "Lock Sheet" will prevent the crew timesheet from further editing, and signal that it is ready for approval.
After submitting, you can update the status of your crew timesheet on your device by tapping the three dots menu, and then Download Sheets. This will sync your crew timesheet status with other approvals or changes that have been uploaded to the cloud by other users.
How to Approve or Reject Crew Timesheets
To approve crew timesheets:
- Navigate to the crew.
- The first time you view a new crew timesheet for any date, you will see the latest submission status of that crew timesheet in the cloud.
- Tap on Submitted at the bottom of the screen, which will take you to Sheet Status.
- Tap the checkbox of the approval level you want to approve.
- The approval levels you are not authorized to approve will be disabled.
- If you believe the crew timesheet has already been submitted, but it's not displaying as submitted, you can always tap the three dots menu
and Download Sheets to sync your device with the cloud server.
To reject crew timesheets:
- Navigate to the crew.
- Tap on Submitted at the bottom of the screen which will take you to Sheet Status.
- Tap the Reject checkbox.
- Enter the Reason for the rejection.
- Then tap Okay.
- You'll be returned to Sheet Status.
- Then tap the back button to return to the crew timesheet main screen.
How to Edit a Submitted Crew Timesheet
To edit and re-submit crew timesheets:
- Navigate to the crew.
- Tap on Submitted at the bottom of the screen, which will take you to Sheet Status.
- Tap the three dots on the Submitted row.
- Then tap UNDO SUBMIT.
- The crew timesheet submit will be cleared.
- Tap the back button to go back to the crew timesheet main screen.
- Edit the crew timesheet.
- Tap Submit and check "Lock" to fully lock the crew timesheet.
- If you are an approver, you can tap the check box for the appropriate approval level.
- You can always tap the three dots on the approval row and the tap UNDO APPROVAL.
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