How do I report on time entry submitters and approvers?
You can customize the Timesheet Details report to include the names of timesheet (time entry) submitters and approvers. This data will be helpful in troubleshooting when analyzing how time entries are submitted (locked) and approved between crew and individual employee timesheets.
Creating a Custom Timesheet Details Report
To create this custom Timesheet Details report:
- Navigate to the Reports tab
- Scroll down to Timesheet Details
- Click on the Plus (+) button on the right side to create a custom version of this report.
- Staying in edit mode, click on the Plus (+) button to the right of the report columns box and add the following fields:
timeentry.approved date
(add these for whatever approval levels you want to add to the report)
- Click the Plus button again and scroll down to the list item <<Add SQL Expression>> and click on it.
- When you add a SQL Expression, a dialog will display.
- To display the time entry submitted, enter the following sql into the dialog:
SELECT uu.fullname FROM t_user AS uu WHERE - Make sure the data type is set to "Text"
- Click OK to save
- Staying on the same row in the report columns box, click in the Column Label edit box and set the label value to Submitter.
- Follow the same steps to add the Approver and enter the following sql in the SQL Expression dialog:
SELECT uu.fullname FROM t_user AS uu WHERE - You can also add names of approvers for more approval levels by incrementing t_timeentry.approv1id to .approv2is, .approve3id, .approv4id, if your system users the full four levels of approvals.
- You can reorder the report column fields by marking a field with your mouse and clicking the up and down arrows to move them up and down.
- When you are finished with ordering, you can set the report page dimensions
- Custom Timesheet Details reports can have many columns, so be sure to set the Page Orientation to Landscape and the Page Size to Tabloid.
- Finally, save the report by clicking OK.
- Run the report as you normally would using the dynamic filters on the right.
Using a Custom Timesheet Details Report for Troubleshooting
This custom timesheet details report will show you deep data on any time entry:
- When the time entry was created
- When it was modified
- When it was submitted
- When it was approved
Use Case #1: Researching when time entries were created
Use Case #2: Researching which user submitted the time entry, or approved the time entry
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